FOSDEM & Dev-x Hackfest 2016

Last week I travelled to Brussels to attend and present at FOSDEM . Since I was going there anyway, I decided to also join 2.5 days of GNOME Developer Experience Hackfest . Travelling to Brussels is usually pretty easy and fast, thanks to Eurostar but I turned it into a bit of nightmare this time. I had completely forgotten how London public transport is a total disasters in peak hours and hence ended-up arriving too late at the station. Not a big deal, they put me on the next train for free. I decided to go through security already and that's when I realized that I have forgotten my laptop at home. :( Fortunately my nephew (who is also my flatmate) was still at home and was going to travel to city centre anyway so I asked him to bring it with him. After two hours of anxiously waiting, he managed to arrive just in time for train staff to let in the very last late arriving passenger. Phew! While I didn't have a particular agenda for the hackfest, I had a discussion with Ale...