GUPnP Tools 0.3 released

This release features AV Control Point, a simple media player UI that enables one to discover and play multimedia contents available on a network. Hopefully a useful tool to test and debug UPnP MediaServer and MediaRenderer implementations. [Zeeshan Ali]

Other changes in this release:

- Desktop file for each tool. [Ross Burton, Zeeshan Ali]
- New Icons. [Vinicius Depizzol]
- Various misc improvements and fixes. [Zeeshan Ali]

Download from

Here is a screenshot of GUPnP AV CP in action:


patrys said…
Any chance to make the gupnp stack work with libsoup-2.4?
zeenix said…
> Any chance to make the gupnp > stack work with libsoup-2.4?

Eeh! i didn't know there was a libsoup-2.4. Is the API very different from 2.2?
patrys said…
As far as API goes:

../libgssdp/.libs/ undefined reference to `soup_date_parse'
../libgssdp/.libs/ undefined reference to `soup_date_generate'
zeenix said…
Hmm.. i guess shouldn't be a big task then. I'll look into it asap for me. Thanks for the info.
rodgersan said…
Maybe not the best place to post about it but compilation fails on my machine (hardy). I successfully compiled gupnp-av but with gupnp-tools I got:

renderer-controls.c:195: erreur: trop peu d'arguments pour la fonction «gupnp_service_proxy_begin_action_hash»

Can you help me?

zeenix said…
"Maybe not the best place to post about it but compilation fails on my machine (hardy)"

Correct! The link to bugzilla and mailing-list is provided on the GUPnP homepage.
rodgersan said…
Due to my limited computing skills I thought that requesting help here was more relevant than filling a bug report. And don't want to subscribe to another mailing-list. Yes I know I'm a pain...

rodgersan said…
And I forgot, gupnp looks promising! Hope to see it widely integrated on distros soon!
zeenix said…
"Due to my limited computing skills I thought that requesting help here was more relevant than filling a bug report. And don't want to subscribe to another mailing-list. Yes I know I'm a pain..."

No need for despair, Please mail me at zeenix @ gmail and I can try to help you out if you don't want to subscribe to another ml. But before you do that, please make sure you have the whole stack (gssdp, gupnp, gupnp-av and gupnp-tools) from latest release tarballs.

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