Some facts

Regarding my last blog entry, I thought I should get some things straight:

  • I am not a native english speaker so sometimes it's hard to choose the right words and sometimes this leads to confusion. Fortunately! I try to learn from my mistakes and comments on my blog entries really help me in that.

  • I've been a big fan of Ubuntu ever since the project started and have been (and still) am a very happy Ubuntu user. In fact I was having the usual Ubuntu is better than Fedxxx debate with him the other day when Karl told me of this. Also I am writing this blog entry using Ubuntu.

  • Disregarding what someone said about Ubuntu, I truely appreciate their work and efforts for Free Software and especially GNOME in specific. The world would be a much worse place if Ubuntu hadn't existed.

  • The motivation behind this blog entry was not 'anger' but 'disappointment' being an Ubuntu user and advocate myself.

Regarding the discussion between Mark Shuttleworth and Karl-Lattimer, I must agree with Karl that Mark having to defend the 'GNOME About dialog' in the menu doesn't reflect good things about Ubuntu developers (the ones who were against this). On the the hand, I must ask Karl not to resort to insulting language even though I feel he has the right to be angry here (Something Mark also recognized).


Anonymous said…
Zeeshan, sorry I swore here but I felt that it was appropriate profanity in the response.

Mark should maybe have thought about what he was saying before he said it, because he has literally dug a hole for himself with that statement.

At least it was only the F word and not the C word as Hadess had used posted on the planet recently.
Anonymous said…
Karl, go away now. Nobody cares about your resource monitor eye candy!

I also find it revolting that Zeenix is censoring comments in his last post that are critical of Karl yet had no profanities in it! Disgusting!
zeenix said…
Karl, go away now. Nobody cares about your resource monitor eye candy!

That was pretty obvious when it was mentioned in the alpha release announcement as a significant feature.

I also find it revolting that Zeenix is censoring comments in his last post that are critical of Karl yet had no profanities in it! Disgusting!

Each and every comment i deleted was either not addressing the real issue and/or meant specifically to insult someone in particular. The discussion went really out of hand because of that.

What is revolting is that you don't seem to have the courage to disclose your identity and seem very incapable of addressing the real issue at hand.
Anonymous said…
zeenix, disabling the comments on that last post thus not giving Mark S. the ability to reply to Mark L's intemperate and insulting comment, a comment directed at a man who has done more for FOSS than the vast majority of humanity will ever do, is unfair and irresponsible of you.
Anonymous said…
Correction: I meant to write "Karl Lattimer" rather than "Mark L" in my last comment (no idea where I got that name from...)

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