My first Javascript app

Last night I tried to make a small app/script in javascript (gjs) and it actually worked. :) Here is the code:

const GLib =;
const GUPnP =;
const Mainloop = imports.mainloop;

// This doesn't start any threads
GLib.thread_init (null);

let context = new GUPnP.Context ({ main_context: null,
host_ip: null,
port: 0

let cp = new GUPnP.ControlPoint ({ client: context,
target: "ssdp:all"

function onDeviceProxyAvailable (cp, proxy) {
log (proxy.get_friendly_name ());

// Tell us when there is a new device available
cp.connect ("device-proxy-available", onDeviceProxyAvailable);

// Search and listen for UPnP resources on the network
cp.set_active (true); ("0");


Anonymous said…
At first I thought it was revolutionary. Then I realized that Adobe AIR already dos html+js for the desktop.

Mixed feelings, but glad the gtk+ effort is starting :)
zeenix said…
> At first I thought it was
> revolutionary. Then I
> realized that Adobe AIR
> already dos html+js for
> the desktop.

I hope you mean the ability to use js for gobject libraries rather than my app. :) The latter is hardly any revolutionary. :)

The former is revolutionary in the sense that it brings all the nice gobject-based libraries to thousands of javascript developers out there. Admitted that it won't be much of a revolution if it wasn't based on gobject-introspection and hence not so powerful.

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