Maemo based Nokia N900 phone
So the Maemo-based Nokia N900 is finally announced. We are finally free to tell everyone the cool stuff we have been cooking all this time. My work on this device was mostly with UPnP/DLNA and MAFW, not counting my work from n800 that was re-used. GUPnP will soon be in your pocket, so those out there who doubt the greatness of this library, time to face the facts. :)
So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)
So now is the time to ask all the questions you have on our soon-in-the-shelves mobile phone. :)
If not, can I get a hint when to expect a maemo device that does? :)
2)Does it have an FM receiver?
3)Will existing meamo aps. like open ssh be supported?
does this device have a UPNP control point application like Media Streamer?
This is very important because the NXXX devices are used by many people to remotely control UPNP media renders.
What I mean is streaming audio from an external media server (ie MediaTomb) to an external media render (ie Rhythmbox) using the N900 as control point.
The N900 would act only as UPNP control point in the same way N810 does using the Media Streamer application.
Having said that, two things to keep in mind:
1. Do a consumer really need this feature? I see a lot of (some even very nice) implementations of DMS and DMP out there but no DMR. Most DMR out there I've seen are pure crap.
2. Even if you get the mafw-upnp-renderer plugin working on the device, I dobut if Media Player is capable of working as just a control point. You'll also need mafw-test-gui then.
I picture sitting in front of the TV using the N900 to call up pics & video content which sits on my PC in the other room. A glorified remote of sorts. Another scenario being I want to be able to control audio/music playback being sent to my DMP which is then piped into my whole-house audio solution.
Thanks for all of your work on the new UPNP framework. I'm sure what isn't instantly available will be honed and expanded by someone if not yourself.
There is not much on the market and this device could be really suitable for this kind of usage, in the same way the N810 is.
The Linn high quality audio devices company use N810 and Media Streamer to stream audio to their high end UPNP media renders in their demos.
It would be a mess if this device will loss this ability.
Hope to hear from you,
Jorge aka Mobile Jorge
> name is Jorge and I'm the
> webmaster of Maemo Mobile
>, Nokia Mobile
>, and Nokia-
> and I would love
> to interview you via email
> or skype, whatever you
> want and post our
> interview on Maemo Mobile
> Talk. :)
Sure thing! Drop me a mail please.