Lessons on being a good maintainer

What makes for a good maintainer? Although I do not know of a definite answer to this important but vague and controversial  question, maintaining various free software projects over the last many years, I've been learning some lessons on how to strive to be a good maintainer; some self-taught through experience, some from my colleagues (especially our awesome GNOME designers) and some from my GSoC students.

I wanted to share these lessons with everyone so I arranged a small BoF at GUADEC and thought it would be nice to share it on planet GNOME as well. Some points only apply to UIs here, some only to libraries (or D-Bus service or anything with a public API really) and some to any kind of project. Here goes:

Only accept use cases

There are no valid feature requests without a proper use case behind them. What's a proper use case you ask? In my opinion, it's based on what the user needs, rather than what they desire or think they need. "I want a button X that does Y" is not a use case, let alone a proper one. "I need to accomplish X" is potentially one.

Even when given a proper use case, does not necessarily mean that you should implement it. You still need to consider the following points before deciding to accept the feature request:
  • How many users do you think this impacts?
  • What's the impact of having this feature to user?
  • What's the impact on users that do not need that feature?
  • How does the expected number of users who need this feature compare to ones that do not.
  • How much work do you think this will be and do you think you (or anyone else in the team) will have the time and motivation to implement it?

Get a thicker skin

Everyone wants software to be tailored for them so unless you have only a few users of your software, you can not possibly satisfy all users. Sometimes users even demand contradictory features so if you are going to be a slave of user demands, you'll not last very long and your software will soon look like my bedroom: random stuff in random places and hard to find what you are looking for.

So don't be afraid of WONTFIX bug resolution. I do agree that this sounds harsh but I think the most important thing is to be honest with your users and not to give them false hopes.

A good API maintainer is a slave of apps

Your library or D-Bus service is as useful and important as the applications that use it. Never forget that while making decisions about public APIs.

Furthermore, if possible, try your best to be involved in at least one of the applications that use your API. Even better if you'd be maintaining one such application. There has been a few occasions where I had to had long debates with library developers about how their API could do much better and I felt that the debate could have been avoided if they had more insights about the applications that use their API. Also, they'd likely care more if they'd experience the pain of the problematic part of their API first hand.

History is important!

VCS (which translates to git for most of us these days) history, that is. I think this is something most developers would readily agree on and some readers must be thinking why do I need to even mention this. However, I've seen that while many would agree in principle to this, in practice they don't care too much. I've seen so many projects out there, where it's very hard or even impossible to find out why a particular line of code was changed in a particular way. Not only it makes maintenance hard, but also discourages new contributors since they'd not feel confident about changing an LOC if they can't be sure why it's how it is and not already what they think it should be like.

So kids, please try to follow some sane commit log rules. We have some here and Lasse has created an extensive version of that document with rationale for each point, for his project here.

Quality of code

This is a bit related to the previous point.  To be very honest, if you don't care about quality enough, you really should not be even working on software that effects others, let alone maintaining them.

How successful you are at maintaining high quality is another thing, and sometimes even not in your hands entirely, but you should always strive for highest quality. The two most important sub-goals in that direction in my opinion, are:


[Insert cliché Einstein quote about simple solutions here.] Each time you come up with a solution (or receive one in the form of patches), ask yourself how it can be done with fewer lines of code. The fewer lines of code you have, the fewer lines of code you'd need to maintain.


Come up with a (or adopt an existing) coding style with specific set of rules to follow and try your very best to follow them. Many contributors would simply dive directly into your project's source code and not read any coding style manual you provide and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are consistent in your code, they'll figure out at least most of your coding style while hacking on your sources.  Also chances are that your coding style would even grow on them and that'll save you a lot of time during your reviews of their patches. That's unlikely to happen if you are not very consistent with your coding style.


None, what so ever. Do what you think is right. This blog post is nothing more than my personal opinions so take it or leave it, it's all up to you!


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