Help me test gps-share

For gps-share to be useful to people, it needs to be tested against various GPS dongles. If you have a GPS dongle, I'd appreciate it if you could test gps-share. If you don't use the hardware, please consider donating it to me and that way I'll ensure that it keeps working with gps-share.



Daniel A. said…
Do you accept hardware donations? Any wishes? Please add a wishlist and mailing address to the repository or on the project wiki on GitHub.
zeenix said…
Hi Daniel, I do but due to my new job and move to another country, I'm not sure if I'll be able to make use of them anytime soon. I got myself a Navilock device some months ago and I haven't even started looking at adding support. I should still add a mailing address.
zeenix said…
Actually I'm reluctant to put up my home address on a public place. Maybe send me email to request it so I've a trail of who I've given my home address to? :)

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